Chanel, a century old luxury brand, is a French privately held company owned by Alain Wertheimer and Gerard Wertheimer and was founded by Coco Chanel. The brand itself started out as a company for extravagant clothes, perfumes, watches, makeup and jewelry. In addition to that, they added an entire sector for beauty products and skincare.
The brand name speaks for itself, and doesn’t need any introductions as it is a household name.

In general, people associate Chanel with the elite of woman’s’ fashion, same as they associate us with the best hairdressing salons in Lebanon. But, you would be surprised to discover that it also includes products for men as well. It is no secret that Lebanese people are always in love with brands and showing them off. But, when it comes to men’s products- especially those for shaving and their perfumes– the consumer searches for quality before brand name.

The products of Chanel have reached a perfect balance between quality and grace and have elevated the skin care products industry into a whole new level. These products include a product called Bleu De Chanel. This product line contains a shaving cream and a shaving gel for men as well as a perfume and an Eau De Toilette. The shaving cream provides an easy comfortable close shaving experience while its clear gel offers a perfect visibility of the beard line during shaving for a precise,controlled cut. Together, they elevate the shaving experience and provide you with a professional facial hair trimming look at home and leave an amazing smell that lasts more than 24 hours.
As for the perfume and the Eau De Toilette, they speak for themselves.

It is our pleasure to announce that Chanel has chosen Salon E Achrafieh as its brand ambassador and has provided us with the exclusive rights to import, promote and sell it.
Based on this brand deal, we have made an event in ABC Achrafieh, ABC Verdun, ABC Dbayeh in June 2019, as well to promote these products and introduce them to that Lebanese consumer. We have always been in contact with brands like Chanel, Clinique, Kiehl’s, Tom Ford and many more.

And we are proud to say that our many year long importations and interactions with international companies for skin and hair care products have finally shined through and gave these companies a lot of faith to grant us this deal.
We like to think that Chanel took their time and searched for the best barber shops in Beirut and found out that we have the best barbers in Lebanon. We also like to attribute this success to our amazing communications team and to our managers who have worked long and hard to transform this salon into the best salon in Beirut and Lebanon.

We would be pleased if you could come along and test these products out and discover their amazing quality.
You will soon realize that your shaving can be optimized and elevated beyond what you think an ordinary shaving task can be. You would also see that you have stepped foot into the best hair salon in Achrafieh! Your satisfaction is guaranteed.